BOOK REVIEW: Assassin’s Apprentice by Robin Hobb (1995)

Books 1 of the Farseer Trilogy

This review was originally written in 2011 and posted on Goodreads

Robin Hobb had been highly recommended to me and this book did not disappoint.

First person is not my favorite form of writing as I often find that authors don't use it to its full potential. However, Hobb managed to keep me interested despite my reservations. She keeps all of the characters interesting and the story in itself was utterly fantastic, completely engrossing, and I look forward to the next book. Particularly, books that stretch over a long timespan can often be uninteresting, but everything seems to be relevant and fun to read.

My criticisms are few, yet I did find it was far too easy to predict who would be a bad guy, who would betray someone, and when something sinister happened—I felt as though there weren't that many surprises. This did not, however, make the story any less interesting. I was never able to predict what would happen, only who would turn out to be a villain in the end. There was very little in the way of character mystique. Anyone who Fitz had a bad feeling about throughout the book probably turned out to be an enemy in the end.

All-in-all though, it was one of the best books that I read last summer and I would highly recommend it to anyone.

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BOOK REVIEW: Ship of Magic by Robin Hobb (1998)