Bear Reviews Books!

BOOK REVIEW: The Slow Regard of Silent Things - Patrick Rothfuss (2014)
A book review of The Slow Regard of Silent Things by Patrick Rothfuss

BOOK REVIEW: The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde (1891)
A book review of an abridged version of The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

BOOK REVIEW: The Oldest Trick - Auston Habershaw (2015)
A book review of The Oldest Trick (Book 1-2 of the Saga of the Redeemed series) by Auston Habershaw

BOOK REVIEW: Adventure Time Encyclopaedia by Martin Olson (2013)
A book review of the Adventure Time Encyclopaedia by Martin Olson

BOOK REVIEW: The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman (2013)
A book review of The Ocean at the End of the Land by Neil Gaiman

BOOK REVIEW: Dragon Age: Asunder - David Gaider (2011)
A book review of Dragon Age: Asunder by David Gaider

BOOK REVIEW: Ship of Magic by Robin Hobb (1998)
A book review of Ship of Magic (book 1 of the Liveship Traders) by Robin Hobb

BOOK REVIEW: Assassin’s Apprentice by Robin Hobb (1995)
A book review of Assassin’s Apprentice (book 1 of the Farseer Trilogy) by Robin Hobb