Direct Artist Support

If you’ve followed my blog at all, you’d know that during the latter half of 2023, I decided to abandon the idea of finding a publisher and instead hope to find my own way by self-publishing. 

The first reason for this was because I am so averse to playing by anyone’s rules other than my own, and as someone who has seen how terrible the music industry is for artists, with record companies and streaming and corporate greed, knowing that it’s probably the same for writers, I didn’t want that for myself.

The second reason was simply that word on the street is that publishers don’t really do that much work for writers these days, or give any real budget or assistance for marketing, and even if they do, they’ll likely make the artist do most of the work themselves. So if the main thing I want from a publisher is for them to market me, and they’re not going to do that… why should I involve myself with one?

The third reason is simply because they take what I think is an unreasonable cut, and I’m mainly pointing fingers at Amazon’s 65%. I will still publish to Amazon, Google, and Kobo because I do want people who browse for books to still be able to find me, but I have higher prices there with no extra bonuses for you, so when it comes to people who know me and want to support me, or who genuinely like my writing, I’m hoping you guys will buy directly from me, personally.

While I hope to eventually have a proper store here on my website, this is my first book release that isn’t a short story, so I am going to keep my expectations low. I’d like to just do this myself via PayPal, so if you would like to read my stories, you can PayPal me and I’ll send you whichever of my stories you want.

To sweeten the deal, for anyone who purchases "The Vitmar Chronicles, Volume I: An Ending & A Beginning,” you will be added to a mailing list and will receive “The Living Dream of Chartholaine” for free in spring 2025; this is a short story set in the TVC world and won’t be available otherwise until I have enough of these short stories for a collection. 

If this becomes too much of a pain in the butt, I’ll then upgrade this website to include that webshop, but for the time being, I just want to see how this goes. 

How To Get My Stories

  1. Head over to your PayPal account and sign in.

  2. Go to “send money” in your quick links.

  3. Send to bearthewiseman(at)gmail(dot)com.

  4. Total up the prices for the stories (seen on the left).

  5. Where it says “what is this for?” please include the names of the stories you are buying, as well as the email address where you would like them to be sent. If I do not receive an email, I will default to your PayPal email and I’m not always sure if I have access to see it.

  6. As soon as I receive the payment, I will email the stories to you. Please allow for some processing time*.

*My plan is to check sales twice a day, once in the morning when I get up, and once in the afternoon when I wrap up my work day. So depending on when you make your purchase, you’ll receive your copy either in the morning or evening.

My Promise to You!

Pricing for stories:

“The Vitmar Chronicles, Volume I: An Ending & A Beginning” (2024) // 4,20€
(2023) // 2,20€
“Adrift” (2023) // 1€

DAS isn’t your thing? That’s fine! You can also get “The Vitmar Chronicles” on Amazon, Google, and Kobo as well!

You can also find it on the following Draft2Digital services: BorrowBox, Odilo, Gardners, Tolino, Vivlio, Smashwords, Baker & Taylor, Apple, Fable, Barnes & Noble, Palace Marketplace, and Everand

The Vitmar Chronicles volume I: An Ending & A Beginning


The Vitmar Chronicles volume I: An Ending & A Beginning ~ OUT NOW ~

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